The Bible app features texts with nikkud and cantillation. offered freely for public service.Clicking on a verse directs to a page with translations and commentaries.Commentaries: Rashi, Rashbam, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Shadal, Haamek Davar, Sforno, Ikar Siftei Hachamim, Radak, Baal HaTurim, Kli Yakar, Ralbag ,Bereishit Rabbah, Sepher Torat Elohim, Daat Zkenim and more...Translations:Targum Onkelos, Targum Jonathan, Targum Jerusalem and more...
The search button allows navigation through books, chapters and verses.
The texts and commentaries are provided in Hebrew and English.
The included books:
Torah• Genesis• Exodus• Leviticus• Numbers• Deuteronomy
Prophets• Joshua• Judges• I Samuel• II Samuel• I Kings• II Kings• Isaiah• Jeremiah• Ezekiel• Hosea• Joel• Amos• Obadiah• Jonah• Micah• Nahum• Habakkuk• Zephaniah• Haggai• Zechariah• Malachi
Writings• Psalms• Proverbs• Job• Song of Songs• Ruth• Lamentations• Ecclesiastes• Esther• Daniel• Ezra• Nehemiah• I Chronicles• II Chronicles